
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What's do we have here?

Oh, hello!
Legs crossed, so demure. 
Now let's get your shoes on!



Mark said...

Talk about 'bike porn'!

Amy said...

Which reminds me, I NEED one or two of those. I broke off the kick stand on my mixte yesterday and the one one the Hercules is pretty lame.

somervillain said...

is that the pletscher? i need one of those!

Corey K said...

Is this for Frida or The Lady?

How is the old gal, by the way? Was the rim transplant successful?

Corey K

margonaute said...

somervillain: It is! It seems really strong--- it definitely did a great job of pinching my finger when I got it caught in the little spring release thingie! Now all I need is a gigantic Allen wrench to swap out the old kickstand.

Corey K: It's for Frida. I've been shamefully neglecting the Lady Raleigh. Hopefully I will have good things to report soon.

Anonymous said...

I love my Pletscher!!! I wish I could somehow fit one on my DL-1 but its a headscratcher so far but its great on my hybrid..I have to buy the rubber bottoms though so I don't scratch up my wood floors

Mark said...

I wish i could get a kick stand like that - but my Schwinn Breeze has an integrated kickstand - it is welded right onto the frame!

Anonymous said...

'm leaning toward buying a Fryslan very soon and want a kickstand like yours, is there a specific model number or any info that would help me find it? Did it go on fairly easily?


MandG said...

Hmmm, wonder if something like this would work with my two bikes that have cottered cranks and not enough room for a regular Greenfield.

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